Do you want to sell more of your products and services? If you answered yes, read this post to discover how to use storytelling in copywriting to drive online sales.
Listen to this…
Last night was fun and scary at the same time.
I went clubbing. And after about an hour,
I heard some commotion in the other part of the room.
At first,
I didn’t think anything about it. I just kept vibing with my boys.
Next thing, I heard a bottle break.
So naturally, I stood up to see what was going on.
All I saw were people trying to separate a fight.
I didn’t see who and who was fighting because the place was kinda dark.
But the story I heard was that one guy was talking to the other guy’s girl and the other guy asked nicely to leave his girl alone but the first guy refused.
One thing led to another and the second guy broke a bottle on the first guy’s head.
What's In This Post?
Here’s the truth:
I didn’t go to any club last night.
Didn’t even leave the house. I was watching Blood Sisters (I finished two episodes last night. Nice movie by the way)
Actually, I’m not too fond of clubs (Too noisy, and dark, plus I don’t drink)
I told you this story to show you how storytelling in copywriting can be used to captivate your readers.
Tell me you weren’t captivated, you sly devil. 😉
If you write any form of sales copy for your business, and you don’t know how to tell stories, you are losing lots of money.
People are hard-wired to listen to stories, and if you can tell a good story, you’ll sell like a pro.
Therefore, the moral of this post today is…
Learn how to tell captivating stories that will keep your audience glued to your message up until the point where they buy.
You can learn how to tell stories by reading fiction and short stories.
They will help you a lot.
What is Storytelling in Business?
It’s simple, really.
Storytelling in business is the art of using stories to communicate and connect with your customers.
This means using stories that resonate with your customers to pass a message about your brand. This usually leads to more engagement.
Because stories are emotional and engaging.
When you tell a story, customers perceive your brand as being authentic.
What is Storytelling in Copywriting?
Storytelling in copywriting is almost the same as storytelling in business.
It is the art of using stories in your sales copy (sales letters, emails, ads, and even content) to form an emotional connection with the reader and persuade them to take action.
The main aim of using storytelling in copywriting is to make the product/service more relatable and memorable to the reader.
Instead of endlessly listing the features and benefits of a product, copywriters use stories to make the product more relatable to the reader.
This makes it easier for the reader to connect with the brand.
Why is Storytelling Important in Copywriting?
Here are three reasons why storytelling is important in copywriting;
#1. Stories keep your audience engaged
Numbers and facts are cool. But they mean more when rooted in stories.
Think about it.
Would you like it when someone throws numbers and data at you?
No. You’ll be bored.
Research shows that the human brain engages with stories more than facts.
This is because our brains process images 60 times faster than words and data.
But when we read stories, we activate all the parts of our brain that would be used assuming we experienced the story firsthand.
So what does this all mean?
Human beings remember stories better than they do facts.
#2. Stories create a human connection
If you created a product or service that helps people, tell how it happened. Tell them how it helped you. Make sure the customer relates to the story.
The way to make sure your customer relates to the story is by making it relatable to real-life situations.
Think about my story above, people go to clubs and you know it’s loud and things can easily get rowdy. And if you’ve ever witnessed a fight in a club, you can easily see this happen.
#3. Easy to remember
Research by Forbes has shown that stories are 22 times more memorable than facts.
This is because there are many elements in a story. There’s a narrative, a plot, emotional moments, suspense, and a climax you can learn from.
If you’re writing a long-form sales letter, telling a story as your introduction can be a great way to hook in your audience and get them to read through the introduction of your product or offer.
Types of Storytelling in Copywriting
There are five different types of storytelling in copywriting to humanize your brand.
An origin story
An origin story tells the customer how your company started.
It should talk about how the idea came into existence, why you started the business, and the initial struggles you faced.
You can even make the story more believable by including the date you founded the company.
Even where you were when you got the idea to start your business can make it more real and relatable.
People connect with the pain of failure.
This is why telling your failure story can help people connect with your brand.
Many rags-to-riches stories are very popular because they faced many failures before tasting success.
Their stories inspire people.
Success stories
Your brand’s success story is equally as important as your failure story.
Share your milestones and achievements with your customers.
This not only builds trust with your customers, it also helps them connect emotionally to your brand.
Customer stories
Customer stories are powerful. You can also call this a testimonial.
Customer stories are a great way to promote your brand to new customers.
Customer stories describe the experience of an end-user with your company and how your company helped to solve their problems.
This increases sales.
Product Stories
Product stories educate customers about your products and how best they can use them.
Stories about your products increase engagement and build loyalty.
A good product story should identify a problem, explain how your product solves it, and show why it’s the best product for the customer.
How to Use Storytelling in Copywriting to Increase Sales
Okay, you’ve set up your business and you have a great product or service. Now, it’s time to sell.
Here are ways you can use storytelling in copywriting to increase sales:
It’s not enough to buy attention
It used to be simple.
You place an ad out and people buy from you. But it’s no longer the case.
People are much more educated. And more importantly, attention spans are shorter and people no longer pay attention to ads.
In fact, people are becoming irritated by the constant ads.
But how are you going to cut through the noise and skepticism to get people to engage with your brand?
Tell engaging stories.
Stories are engaging and they slowly soften the minds of your customers towards your brand.
They tell how you overcame a problem and helped a client.
Your stories should take your customer on a journey of stating the problem, how you were in the position to help, and how you eventually helped.
Make the customer the HERO of your story
It’s normal to want to talk about your business. This can bore your audience.
Make your audience think that you’re talking about them and make them the hero in your story.
Remember, it’s about your customer.
They want to know how you can help them achieve their goals.
To do this, you must be the guiding light for them.
Start from the highlight
How many times have you read a book where the beginning is so boring that you want to tear your face off?
If your story does this, you’ll definitely lose your reader’s attention.
There’s information overload and if you’re boring, the reader will lose interest.
The story doesn’t even have to be in order. You can start anywhere. Just make sure it’s juicy.
Remember, your clients are meeting you for help. They know how they got into their problem. They don’t need to hear it again.
Keep the stakes high
No one just wants to hear about mowing the lawn.
They want to hear about two friends who put their next paycheck on the line to see who mows the lawn faster.
Do you get the point?
Have an end in mind
Every story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. It should also have a cliffhanger.
The end of your story should speak to your audience. Maybe it should have a call to action. But don’t leave them hanging.
Make the reader feel like they’ve gained something valuable from your story.
This will make them come back for more.
Involve the five senses
Have you ever read a book that made you feel as though you were right there?
This is done by making you experience the story using your five senses.
The writer made you feel, see, taste, touch, and smell everything that was written in the story.
This immerses the reader in the story.
It pulls them and makes them want to read more.
You’re not trying to brainwash your readers, you’re only trying to keep them glued and engaged in your story until they get to the end of your sales message… and maybe get them to click on your call to action.
When do You Use Storytelling in Copywriting?
As long as you’re trying to pass a message across to your audience, it may be online or offline.
It may be a presentation, a sales copy, an email, an ad, or wherever, you can use stories to make your message more memorable.
5 Steps To Craft Powerful Stories in Copywriting
To write stories that resonate with your audience, use these simple steps:
1. Know your audience
When it comes to business, the first thing you should do is know your audience.
This also applies to storytelling.
Think about what motivates them and piques their interest. Then make sure you speak to those interests in your stories.
Taking the time to research your audience will help make sure your story resonates with them.
2. Keep it simple
It is extremely easy to fall into the trap of trying to cram too much information into your story.
This can cause your main message to get lost in the shuffle.
What you should do is focus on one key point and make sure that point is communicated.
This will make sure that your audience understands what you’re talking about. It will also leave a lasting impression on your audience.
Always ensure that you write a story that clearly states the main point and is easy to understand.
3. Make it relatable
Always write what you know.
Your audience can only connect to a story that feels personal and relatable.
The way to do this is to write about people and experiences they can see themselves in.
This could be some shared interest or hobby.
You can better connect with your readers when you make your story relatable.
4. Use emotions in your story
Facts tell. Emotions sell.
It’s not a secret that stories evoke strong emotions in the reader. Plus, they’re more likely to stick.
The way to do this is to use descriptive language to paint a picture of the events in your story.
By doing this, you can help your readers feel as if they’re experiencing the story firsthand.
This will increase the chances that they’ll remember your story long after you’re done telling it.
5. Be authentic
Be real when telling a story. By real, I mean genuine.
Your audience can tell if you’re full of bullcrap. And it makes it harder for them to connect with you on a deeper level.
Be yourself and tell your story from the heart.
This way, you’re more likely going to connect with your audience in a way that makes you dear to their heart.
Final Thoughts on Storytelling in Copywriting
Storytelling in copywriting is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.
When you do it well, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level, build trust, and increase sales.
By applying the tips in this article, you too can create stories that resonate with your audience and keep you in their hearts for a long time.
So, if you want to grow your online business with effective storytelling in copywriting, click here now.