Research in Copywriting: How to Boost Conversion Rate

Research in Copywriting: How it Helps Boost Conversion Rate

The role of research in copywriting cannot be overstated. If you ever want your copy to be ten times more effective, spend time on research.

Do you want to know how to ensure your sales copy flop? Refusing to research your audience. If you want to succeed in marketing, you have to understand the role of research in copywriting.

It’s surprising how some people start writing a sales copy without doing the proper due diligence. In this post, you will discover the importance of research in copywriting. You’ll also learn how to perform research so well that your prospects will feel like you’re spying on them in their homes.

Let’s begin:

What is Research in Copywriting?

Think of research in copywriting like gathering information before you write.

Let’s say you’re asked to write a persuasive ad for a new phone. Research in copywriting means you’ll look into things like the features of the phone, who might want to buy it, what they care about, and how similar products are being marketed.

Basically, it’s about understanding your audience and the product/service well so you can write in a way that speaks directly to them and convinces them to take action, like buying the phone in this case.

So, research in copywriting is kind of like the foundation that helps you create compelling content.

Importance of Research in Copywriting

Research in copywriting is important because it makes your writing effective. Imagine if you tried to write an ad for a new toy without knowing anything about kids or what toys they like! It’d be like shooting in the dark.

When you do research, you get to know your audience well. You understand their needs, desires, and what makes them tick. This helps you tailor your writing to speak directly to them.

Plus, when you know a lot about the product or service you’re writing about, you can highlight its best features and benefits. It’s like showing off its coolest aspects to the right people in the right way.

So, research in copywriting isn’t just a step you do because you have to. It’s what makes your writing powerful and persuasive, ultimately convincing people to take action.

How to Conduct Research in Copywriting

Here are ways to conduct excellent research in copywriting that will allow you to write copy that sells.

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding who you’re writing for is key. Imagine you’re chatting with a friend. You’d use different words and stories depending on whether you’re talking to a kid, a grandparent, or a friend your age. It’s the same with copywriting.

Also, when you’ve determined who your audience is, create a customer avatar with the information you’ve gotten. This way, when you write copy, you’re writing to that person. When you do this, they will listen.

2. Define Your Goals

What do you want your copy to achieve? Whether it’s selling a product, getting people to sign up for a newsletter, or just raising awareness, knowing your goal helps you shape your message.

Writing is easier when you know what the goal is. Instead of flapping in the wind, your writing will be concise and straight to the point. No dilly-daddling.

3. Use Customer Surveys and Interviews

Talking directly to your audience gives you invaluable insights. Ask questions about their needs, preferences, and pain points related to your product or service. It’s like getting insider information straight from the source!

When you do this, you will notice the words and phrases they use. Use these words in your copy to make them know that you really understand them.

4. Analyze Your Competitors

Take a peek at what your competitors are up to. What kind of language are they using? How are they positioning their products? This helps you identify gaps and find unique angles for your own copy.

5. Dive into Data and Analytics

Numbers can tell you a lot. Look at data from your website, social media, or any other platforms you use. Which posts or ads get the most engagement? What keywords are people searching for? It’s like having a treasure map to guide your writing.

6. Read Customer Reviews

Reviews are like gold mines of information. They tell you what people love about your product, what they wish was better, and what problems it solves for them. Use these insights to address common concerns and highlight strengths in your copy.

7. Conduct Keyword Research

Keywords are the secret sauce of online copywriting. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find out what words and phrases people are using to search for products or services like yours. Then sprinkle these keywords naturally throughout your copy to boost its visibility.

8. Stay Updated on Industry Trends

The world moves fast, especially in certain industries. Keep your finger on the pulse by following industry blogs, attending webinars, or joining relevant online communities. This helps you stay ahead of the curve and write copy that feels fresh and relevant.

9. Use Social Listening

Social media is like a giant conversation happening in real time. Use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to monitor mentions, hashtags, and conversations related to your industry or brand. This helps you understand what people are talking about and join the conversation in your copy.

10. Test and Make Changes

Once you’ve written your copy, the journey isn’t over. Test different versions of your copy to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing, where you compare two versions of your copy to see which performs better, is a great way to fine-tune your messaging and maximize its impact.

11. Get Feedback

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from colleagues, friends, or even your target audience. They might spot things you didn’t notice or offer valuable suggestions for improvement. Plus, it’s always good to have a fresh pair of eyes on your work.

12. Keep Learning

Just like everything in life, copywriting is always evolving, so never stop learning. Whether it’s reading books, taking online courses, or attending workshops, investing in your skills and knowledge will make you a better copywriter over time.

Research in copywriting isn’t just about gathering information—it’s about using that information to create copy that connects with your audience, drives action, and achieves your goals.

Research in Copywriting: The Important Aspect

Conducting research is a fundamental component of effective copywriting. If you conduct your research before writing any piece of copy, you will better understand your audience, craft compelling copy, boost your SEO strategies, and ultimately improve conversion rates.

Spend time researching before writing. When you do, your copy will be 10 times more effective than any other mediocre copy out there.

Do you need help with any of your copywriting needs? Hire a professional copywriter today!
The Complete Copywriting Course

Maku Seun is a freelance copywriter and direct response marketer. He helps digital marketers, coaches, and course creators boost sales by writing compelling sales copy which includes long-form sales letters, email copy, and website copy for their products and services. If you want him to write compelling sales copy for your business, click here.