What’s the first thing you look for before buying anything online? Testimonials, right?
You want to know if other people have used the product and whether or not they liked it.
And if it turns out that people did not like the product, will you still buy it?
I’m guessing NO.
And if you see that people absolutely loved the product, will you buy it?
I’m guessing the answer is YES.
That’s the power of testimonials.
In this article, you will discover what testimonials are and why they’re important to your business.
Let’s begin:
What are Testimonials?
Testimonials are a form of social proof businesses use to show prospective customers that they deliver on their promises.
This is a powerful element that can help you persuade potential customers to buy your product or service.
Testimonials support your claim. They also help build trust and credibility in your brand.
Below is an example of a testimonial from Sweet Inn.
Why are testimonials effective?
Testimonials play on human psychology.
If you’ve read Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, one of the tactics for influence in social proof.
If you can show someone that others have what they want, you can influence them to get it.
Look at it this way;
When you see a bunch of people lining up outside a restaurant or shop, you can’t help but wonder what the hype is about. And you’ll want to check it out.
During the pandemic, a very high-end store (I think it’s LVMH) didn’t let people inside the store due to COVID restrictions. So people had to queue up outside.
Do you know that LVMH made more money than any luxury brand that year?
Because people see other people lining up to enter the store and they automatically want to enter that store too.
It’s psychology. And it works.
Testimonials work the same way.
A customer on the fence to buy your product will take a stand when they see that other people are talking favorably about your product.
Instead of boringly growing about facts and data, prospects on your website can read about real-life experiences from real people that back up your claims.
41% of customers don’t trust what brands say in their marketing campaigns.
However, with positive testimonials sprinkled all over your website, prospects will have the information they need to trust you.
When people trust you, they’ll buy from you. And this improves your conversion and revenue significantly.
A review by BrightLocal showed that 91% of people aged 18-34 trust online reviews just as much as they trust personal reviews from friends and family.
This means that if 10,000 people visited your site, 9,100 people will be convinced that you can help them. And let’s assume you convert 1% of that traffic, that’s 91 people who moved from prospect to customer.
This should tell you a lot about how important testimonials are in your business.
So, do testimonials work… heck yeah!
Why Testimonials Are Important
Adding testimonials to your website is important for many more reasons other than the ones already mentioned above.
And if you’re still wondering how and why testimonials are good for business; keep reading to discover how testimonials help your business:
1. Builds Credibility and Trust
Testimonials provide social proof that your product or service works.
In our digital world, customers are more sophisticated and skeptical.
They won’t whip out their wallets willy-nilly.
They want to make sure that what they’re buying works, and most importantly, will work for them.
Because as you already know, there are many charlatans out there selling sub-par products and marketing them to gullible customers.
Using testimonials from real people is how you stand out from the rest of your customers. (Of course, that’s after your unique selling proposition)
When people see that others have benefited from your product, they are more likely to trust your brand and make a purchase.
2. Helps Overcome Objections
Potential customers may have objections or concerns about your product or service.
When people read your website or sales copy, in the back of their minds, they’re always wondering,
- “Will this work?”,
- “What if it doesn’t work, can I get my money back?”
- “Do they have a return policy?”
Listen, people want to feel safe when doing business with your company.
Your testimonials will answer all these questions for you while also telling the prospects; “See, other people have bought from us and they loved it!”
Once the prospects see this, they’re more inclined to do business with you.
By adding proof and testimonials, you can address these objections and alleviate any concerns they may have.
3. Increases Conversion Rates
A strong sales copy that includes testimonials can significantly increase your conversion rates.
As already above, people reading your sales copy are subconsciously asking themselves if you’re the best option.
When your testimonials answer these questions, those who are ready and have the money will bring out their credit cards and make a purchase.
This increases your conversion rate.
And in your written or video sales letters (which customers already see as too hypee), testimonials make selling way easier. And if you can, include the faces and addresses (just city and country) of your customers to improve the legitimacy of your claims.
This way, prospects will feel at ease buying from you.
When people see how your product has helped others, they are more likely to buy.
4. Enhances Brand Image
If you’re an agency, testimonials make your brand more legitimate.
Imagine a company claiming to 10x sales and you don’t even see one testimonial on their website. Will you trust that they can really 10x your sales?
That’s a NO for me.
By showing positive feedback and reviews from your satisfied customers, you can enhance your brand image and reputation.
How to Use Testimonials to Improve Conversion Rates
Now that you know the importance of testimonials in your business, let’s discuss how to use them effectively to boost your conversion rate online.
1. Use Specifics
When using testimonials, be as specific as possible. Use real numbers, data, and statistics to prove your point.
For example, instead of saying “Our product is effective,” say “Our product increased sales by 50% in just 3 months.”
Do you see the difference? It helps the prospect picture and quantity just what you’re going to do for them.
If they’re selling $134,795 worth of products and services monthly, they can easily pick up their calculator to ‘see’ how much they’re probably going to start earning in three months, $202,192.50.
2. Use Testimonials from Real Customers
When using testimonials, make sure they are from real customers.
Provide their names and photos, if possible, to add authenticity to your sales copy.
Also, the city they’re from can’t hurt.
What this does is show your prospects that you didn’t pluck these customers from the sky. They’re real.
In fact, more skeptical customers may Google these ‘so-called’ to see whether or not you’re telling the truth.
3. Use Video Testimonials
Video testimonials are powerful tools that can help build trust and credibility.
They allow potential customers to see and hear from your satisfied customers directly.
It’s one thing to see a bunch of pictures and text on a business’s website. It is another thing to hear from the actual people who have bought the product or used their services.
This unlocks another level of trust in your prospect.
They can see and hear from people who have bought the product which significantly lowers their guard. Especially if it’s from someone they know, love, and respect.
That’s why it’s not a bad idea to use influencers in your marketing.
Here is an image of how video testimonials can help improve conversion rate:

4. Use Case Studies
Case studies are an effective way to showcase how your product or service has helped your customers.
They provide in-depth information and proof of your product’s effectiveness.
This is just another form of testimonial. But it’s more on the technical side.
Use this testimonial when selling tech products. The demography will appreciate it.
5. Place Testimonials Strategically
Place testimonials strategically throughout your sales copy.
Add them to specific areas where potential customers may have objections or concerns.
When writing a sales copy, it’s possible to use your strongest testimonial as your headline. Because as you know, your headline is the most important part of your sales copy. 5 times more people read your headline than your sales copy.
Therefore, if you start strong with a very positive review or testimonial from a raving customer, your sales will go through the roof.
6. Use Third-Party Reviews
Third-party reviews, like those from Yelp or Google, can provide additional social proof for your brand.
Make sure to highlight these reviews in your sales copy.
Imagine getting a positive review from Google, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and the like.
Slather that shit all across your website.
People know and love these brands. So, they’ll believe whatever they say about your brand.
Are Testimonials and Reviews the Same?
No, testimonials and reviews are not the same. Here are their differences:
A testimonial is a long and detailed story about your customer’s journey and experience before and after using your product or service.
A review, on the other hand, is a short snapshot of the customer’s experience while using the product or service.
A testimonial is gotten directly from the customer to the company.
A review is usually provided by a third party.
A testimonial can be used on your website, in commercials, brochures, and other marketing materials.
A review is usually featured on other websites or with other services.
A testimonial is usually written down or in a video.
A review is usually written down, and sometimes it has a star rating.
Testimonials have more impact when they’re longer and more detailed, it doesn’t matter how many you have.
A review carries more weight when it’s in larger quantities.
Testimonials are always almost positive. That’s because they’re usually provided by the company.
However, a review can be positive or negative since it uses a star-rating system that automatically uploads even before the site owner sees it.
Can Testimonials be Negative?
Yes, testimonials can be negative.
But you can use it to your advantage (if you want) and spin it in such a way that your prospect will appreciate your honesty.
How to Get Testimonials from Clients & Customers
After reading all the amazing things a testimonial can do for your business, if you’re not yet convinced that you need strong testimonials for your business, you’re going to be leaving a lot of money on the table.
However, if you’re convinced that testimonials will boost your business, the next question you may be asking is, “Where and how to get testimonials from clients“.
This section will show you where to get testimonials and how to get testimonials from clients.
I’m going to give you the easiest ways to do this.
1. Emails
This is an easy and convenient way to get client testimonials. It’s also a great way to reach busy people who don’t spend much time on social media.
Send a customized email to your satisfied clients asking them for a testimonial.
You can even sweeten the pot by giving them a discount on their next sale for a testimonial.
But timing is important. Don’t wait forever before sending them this email because it’s very possible that the customer has already forgotten you or your business.
But you also don’t want to disturb your new customers and subscribers with testimonial request emails.
Find a balance.
2. Add a testimonial request form on your website
A great way to get testimonials is by adding forms to your website. Place them at strategic locations like the checkout page, or sidebar widget.
Make sure the testimonials are straightforward and to the point.
3. Use what people say about you on social media
I’ve never really asked anyone for testimonials. Any testimonials you see on my website are emails and messages people sent to my inbox or phone.
If you do your job well, you will get testimonials coming in from all angles.
How Long Should a Testimonial be?
A major question people ask is how long should a testimonial be. Remember, it should be detailed. But keep in mind that people’s attention span isn’t what it used to be.
Therefore, you want to find the perfect length.
Your testimonials should be long enough to give prospects enough information but short enough to still keep their attention.
Test with different testimonial lengths to find out which works best for your business.
Examples of Testimonials
Below are examples of testimonials you can use in your business to improve your conversion rate.
Here is a testimonial from Ahref:

Next is Cladwell


Using Your Testimonials Throughout Your Marketing
In today’s digital age, it is essential to prove to your prospects that you’re not all talk and no show.
Adding testimonials to your business marketing can significantly improve your conversion rates by building trust and credibility in your brand.
When using these secrets, remember to be specific, use real customer testimonials, and place them strategically throughout your website.
By doing so, you can boost your brand image and increase your sales.